
Showing posts from September, 2020

Creating a Productive Study Space

Productive studying can be a difficult task for anyone, especially when working from home. While getting to complete assignments from your room, just a few steps away from the kitchen or your TV is pretty fun, too many distractions tank productivity. I'm sure we've all been there before: You open up your planner to find that you have several assignments to do today, so you sit down at your desk to begin work. But, initiating a study set doesn't mean you  really  start studying. You down the Netflix or YouTube wormhole, only to return in the late hours of the night when it feels almost impossible to utilize any linear thought. Your day of productivity has now turned into a night of struggle. Maybe even two or three. It can feel impossible to escape this cycle of procrastination and regret. But, Let me assure you, there are a few methods that could be your saving grace when it comes to finally learning how to be productive, not regretful. It all begins with a study space that...